Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Picking Norah up!

So the routine we have is that Josh will typically take Norah to daycare on his way to school in the morning and I pick her up. I really enjoy picking Norah up at the end of my work day because her reaction to seeing me is so fun!

She gets so excited and runs as fast as she can sometimes whipping objects across the room that she might be holding as she runs! One day she threw a plastic hamburger across the room and underneath a shelf like she was trying to skip a rock across a pond!

Anyways, it cracks me up everyday and it makes me feel like the most important person in the world. Betty, Norah's daycare provider, loves it too!

So this morning before I left for work I grabbed the camera and told Josh to let Betty know that I was going to try to get Norah on tape when I picked her up. I figured Betty would think I was crazy, but was willing to sacrifice that to get the moment captured! It turned out Betty was completely ready for it and turned the lights on as soon as I got there so we could get the best quality filming accomplished. Norah however was on the ball and started running before I could get a great shot. Nonetheless here she is in all her glory!

FYI: It takes awhile for the door to open so don't loose interest, the whole video is only 41 seconds! Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

That is so cute!


Anonymous said...

I love the video!!!

- K.C.

That's A Rapp said...

Rachel! I love that she is so excited to see you! Oh, you must float the rest of the way home. I remember coming back after classes and you would run to me the same way. Ha. Oh wait no, you only sat on me every chance you had!

Heather said...

i love it rachel. i need to get better about taping the girls, but as soon as we turn on the camera they stop what they are doing.

Unknown said...

Rach- that is truly fabulous!!! She's so cute!!

Jim Elek said...

I would agree with everyone else about how cute this video is. However, it seems that my last comment on your blog went unnoticed, so I guess you don't get a chance to read my comments. Therefore, it seems like I would be wasting my time by telling you that this video makes me want to have a kid more than most other videos ever have. I would also be wasting my time if I were to tell you how adorable my niece looks in that outfit. So I will just chill out and not leave lengthy, thought out comments on blogs anymore, since my rantings are either ignored, unappreciated, unread, or some unwelcome.

Nora S. said...

Love it!!

Unknown said...


I wonder how long it will take Rachel to find out that her husband wrote a note at the bottom of her blog. (July 9, 2008) ;)