Sunday, January 21, 2007

Rachie Goats

I have a muscle disease called Myotonia Congenita. It's an interesting disease that I don't really mind having for the most part. Joshua's mom sent him a link to a video the other day that had a description of some goats that apparently have this same disease and it shows it very well. If you listen, the woman says Myotonia Congenita.

Essentially the exact same thing happens to me when the disease sets in. Since my friends and family do not often get to see an episode play itself out, I thought I would share this with everyone.

Joshua suggested that I film a Myotonic fall just in case you really want to see what it looks like when it happens to people. Go ahead and laugh, it's funny.


Anonymous said...

oh man, thats funny. thanks rach. and way to go on a new blog!!

Unknown said...

Oh Rach-you sure know how to make a disease an event! Well done and well filmed Joshua! Looking forward to future posts!

Jim Elek said...

I used to get that disease a lot, then I quit drinking.

Katie said...

rach great re enactment. i saw those goats on tv awhile ago and thought they are just great. i didnt know that u had that.... what else do u have the josh is hiding from us?
jk i love ya.

Joshua said...

Get ready to hear your greedy public cry "POST!" when they feel it's time to update your blog.

Unknown said...

oh man thats funny stuff. and i got to see it just a little bit in person when your hand cramped amidst the crepe-cutting. way to blog... i look forward to more!!!

I wonder how long it will take Rachel to find out that her husband wrote a note at the bottom of her blog. (July 9, 2008) ;)