Saturday, March 15, 2008

Norah's trip to the ER

We had to take Norah to the ER yesterday. I got home from visiting my family and she had been acting strange all morning. I took her temperature and it was 101.2. I called the pediatrician and they said to take her straight to the ER because she was so young.

Norah was a little frantic as soon as they started checking her out. We had to take her sleeper off and she was also hungry, so she started crying really hard. We fed her and they started to examine her. They took her temperature via her bum, which did not make her happy. We calmed her down and then they came in and said they were going to need to insert a catheter to get a urine sample. They said we could step out if we would like to because she would probably scream. We said we would stay. When they left to get what they needed I said to Josh, "Watch, she will probably like a catheter like I did when I was in labor!" Well, it turned out she did!! :) She was smiling and playing with the nurse as they did it.

Next we had to take her to get an x-ray. Again she was calm and then as soon as we unwrapped her and handed her over she started screaming. She luckily was not strapped down, a nurse was with her the whole time holding her.

After 2 1/2 hours they determined that she had a virus, constipation and gas bubbles in her stomach. The doctor said it just all occurred at once and made her unhappy. She also said that she thinks Norah is colicky, which we nodded knowing that was completely wrong because Norah is the easiest going baby and she was only freaking out because she was in the ER and people were all up in her grill!

She has been very tired and weepy (not screaming) and needing extra snuggling and sleeping. She is taking Tylenol and Motrin. I ran out to get a few things and when I came home Daddy was caring for his little girl!

All in all it was a little crazy, but she is fine in the end. It's no fun taking a little baby to the ER, but you do get through the ER system much faster!


Anonymous said...

You did the right thing. Next time do the right thing again. No second thoughts.

Unknown said...


Always go with your gut. You did the right thing. Norah will bounce back quickly and it is a great time to give extra love and attention! It is never fun.. We took Isaac to the ER once and I ended up yelling at the entire staff and I told the Doctor I didn't have any faith in him... Not a pretty picture. BJ had to calm me down and the woman next to Isaac was on a police watch.

Jim Elek said...

you better not let any mean old doctors make norah scream again, or i might have to come to wv and kick some md arse.......and tell josh to start getting ready for his arse whipping should he let my niece get another infection. toodles and congrats on the move to chi-town.

Casdok said...

Hope Norah is out. Hospitals are not much fun.

I wonder how long it will take Rachel to find out that her husband wrote a note at the bottom of her blog. (July 9, 2008) ;)