Wednesday, July 9, 2008

New Header...Midwest....

Josh made a new header for me and I love it!!!! Don't you?

I told him awhile ago that my blog looked so boring and he surprised me at work today with a text message that said he changed it!

I meant to write about the "Midwest" the other day so here goes.

So I live in the "Midwest" now. It's so weird to say because I still think I'm on the "East Coast." The other day we were at the bank talking to the funniest guy I've ever met and we said we moved from West Virginia and he said, "Oh I used to live on the East Coast." I got all excited and was waiting for him to say Pennsylvania or DC or something and he said, "Yeah, North Carolina, I love it there!" I thought to myself, "That's not the "East Coast." Your "East Coast" is like 12 hours away from my "East Coast."

Turns out no one else thinks Beaver Falls, PA is the "East Coast" expect for me.

Now onto the Midwest. First I need to complain that Illinois roads are terrible!! I mean terrible. I can't tell you how many times my cd stops playing because I am just driving and slowing down often to try not to hit a big pot hole. I cannot get over how bad the roads are. There are so many people that complain about PA roads but those are nothing compared to here.

I am having to adjust to the accent here too. I have to have people repeat themselves all of the time. I feel bad because once I realize what they are saying or spelling it's like, Adam Smith or apple...back to the basics for Rach here in the Midwest!

Anyways, I know this post was not anything to write home about, but I wanted to share my thoughts!


Carrie Babcock said...

Love the new header! Tell Josh he will have to make me one too. So how is week 2 of the job?

Unknown said...

"coast" generally implies a connection to an ocean. in no way would any sensible person think beaver falls was the coast. i live in the midwest and i'm 30 minutes from your old house.

coast, indeed.

Rachel Elek said...

Carrie-work is going well. still learning things and finding my way around the hospital. You should totally recruit Josh to make a new header for you!

Jason-If you are my cousin that's funny! If you are not then you took me too seriously and clearly do not know me, but no problem and you obviously have a good understanding of geography.

Tim and Deane said...

Do we live in the midwest? I think so. But, I am also pretty sure we live on the North Coast as well.

I wonder how long it will take Rachel to find out that her husband wrote a note at the bottom of her blog. (July 9, 2008) ;)