Thursday, July 31, 2008

Two Years!

Our two year anniversary was July 29th! It was a simple celebration this year! Josh made a really good dinner, which was Curried lentils with rice and chicken!!! Yummy! He also made brownies which are in the background with our cake toppers in them from the wedding! If you can't tell, they are "R & J" That was kinda a small theme at our wedding. Well, they were the cake toppers and on the invitations. If it's on the invitation though that counts as an official wedding theme! He also bought me chocolate milk, which I love!!!!

We are very thankful for each other and all the blessings we have had in our short marriage so far! First being that we feel like we have a healthy marriage and we strive to work at it everyday together. Secondly, we have Norah. She has been such a wonderful baby and we could not be more thankful for her. She is so much fun and she brings us such joy!

Speaking of, we had a special guest at our second anniversary dinner!

Here was her anniversary dinner...

You never thought Cheerios could be so romantic!

Norah is really moving up in the food world. She loves to eat Cheerios and we gave her spiral noodles tonight which she devoured! We usually have to pick up a few handfuls from underneath her legs and put back on her tray, but she shoves it in.


Carrie Babcock said...

Happy 2nd anniversary!!!

Unknown said...

Yeah! Happy 2 years you guys! Loved the pics and that dinner sounds GREAT!!!!

I wonder how long it will take Rachel to find out that her husband wrote a note at the bottom of her blog. (July 9, 2008) ;)