Monday, November 19, 2007

Spaghetti Sauce

So here I am 8 days from my due date! I'm feeling pretty good for the most part, but I am having a little bit of lower back pain, and this is really the second day that I have had any, so I'm not complaining.

Josh came home from work tonight and started figuring out what to make for dinner. Now in case you are not aware, I am the number 1 pickiest eater in the United States of America and if there is one thing that I am the most picky about it would have to be spaghetti sauce.

He offered to make some homemade sauce because he knows that's really the only acceptable option for me. Since my back has been hurting we decided to eat in the living room where I could keep my feet propped up and sit in a more comfortable seat. He prepared the plates and drinks and carried the plates out to me first. He handed me my plate and then handed me his and I put his on the end table next to me. He turned to get the drinks and a grated cheese. I quickly assessed our plates and realized that my plate had more spaghetti on it and I knew I probably would not be able to eat it all. I quick scanned to the kitchen to see if he could see me and quickly switched our plates. The reason I didn't want him to see me switch the plates was because I have a million and 1 quirks that he is learning to live with, so I try to spare him the moments to observe that there may be more that he is unaware of!

So we eat our dinner and he turns to me and says,

J: What did you think of the sauce?

R: I liked it but I thought it was a little spicy.

J: (mouth drops) It was a sweeter sauce though and my secret ingredient was grape jelly.

R: Really! Grape Jelly! Well that's weird, because honestly the sauce has a kick to it.

J: I did not put any spices in it! Not even black pepper! Wait....(quickly darting his eyes back and forth between my plate and his)

R: (I quickly realize that I did something wrong and need to confess) Ummmm, I switched our plates!

J: Why did you do that!!! I put alot of red pepper flakes on my sauce! I was wondering why mine was not that spicy!

R: Well, it looks like Norah's coming tonight!!!

We both started laughing so hard because I'm so weird. I told him how I thought he might think it's weird if he saw me switching plates.

Below is a picture of me and how I need to eat my meals with a towel over my stomach. I can't not spill things down the front of me and spaghetti sauce is a hopeless cause when it comes to spilling!

He explained his ingredients, they were as follows: sauce, paste, garlic, salt, a tiny bit of onion and grape jelly. It all went into the blender as any type of chunk produces the gag reflex for me! :)

This is just one example of how hard he has to work to make our meals good for both of us. I usually know that there is a difference, but since I was not in the kitchen the entire time he made dinner I didn't even think that our plates would be different! The funniest part was that the whole time I was eating it I kept thinking to myself, "Why does he have to push it with these spices to get me to try new things."

Ahhhh, never know what's going to happen!

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I wonder how long it will take Rachel to find out that her husband wrote a note at the bottom of her blog. (July 9, 2008) ;)