Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First day of school!

Today was Josh's first day of class and Norah's first day of daycare! We all survived!

I dropped Norah off. I met her teacher who won me over with this simple dialog:

Teacher: How old is she?

Mom: She will be 9 months tomorrow.

Teacher: Great, so then we only feed her what you bring in and no table food?

Mom: Exactly!

That may sound weird, but everyone always wants to give Norah cookies, ice cream, chips....you name it.

Her simple dialog told me she was on my team and wanted me to be the captain! :)

So I left and Norah was fine and I did well too! No tears were had by anyone all day! I called at lunch time to check on her and she was on her second nap! I was afraid she would not nap at all because she would have so much stimulation. I was glad to hear she had slept.

When I picked her up she was excited to see me and seemed to be doing great! I was very glad to receive her daily report about the timing of all diaper changes and whether they were wet/dry/BM! They also report on her eating throughout the day and generally how she did. This piece of paper was great for me as Norah can not really communicate at all about how the day was. Since she was in good spirits that was a good enough report for me, but the paper with the details also helped.

We came home and heard about Josh's first day! I'll let him tell about it, but the part that I thought was really funny was that he made two friends and they are both named Josh! One sat next to him and the other behind him!

So, life in Chicago is looking good for all of the Elek's! You should come visit now that we are stable! ;)

Oh and we had a great weekend with Uncle Tim and Aunt Marisa! Lots of walking and good food!


Joshua said...

Yay first day of SCHOOL! Let me just say that I feel like Harry Potter going to school there. I was so nervous sitting on the steps of that great big beautiful building that I tried to look normal as I talked to other people, but failed miserably because I didn't know what to do with my hands. As a result, every conversation I had was punctuated with me picking up my book bag, and setting it down again, only to pick it up again when I didn't know the next socially correct question to ask.

Man am I awkward or what?

Tim and Deane said...


You handle things so realistically and so gracefully. Your honest assessment is inspiring.

Carrie Babcock said...

What no picture of Josh with his backpack on??? I thought that's what everyone did on their first day of school.

Nora S. said...

I love to read your blog...It makes me smile from ear-2-ear knowing that you all are doing so well. I still miss you tons...give Norah hugs and kisses from me

Anonymous said...

Sonds like they realy want you to be happy. And they want you to know what is going on all day. I am happy for all three of you.


I wonder how long it will take Rachel to find out that her husband wrote a note at the bottom of her blog. (July 9, 2008) ;)