Tuesday, February 12, 2008


This is Norah's friend Eliana. They both attended a fondue party on saturday at their friend Katie's house. Eliana is from Guatemala, she is 19 months old and just about the sweetest thing ever. She was adopted by friends of ours here in Wheeling, Jenny and Matt. They are wonderful parents and are about to adopt two more girls from Ethiopia.

At the party on saturday night Eliana was in touch with Norah the whole evening. Anytime she made a peep whether laughing, letting out a little cry or anything else Eliana was there to check on the situation to make sure everything was ok. She also played very well with Norah by tickling her tummy every once in awhile.

At one point Norah was tired and just having a hard time getting to sleep and started crying. Well she ended up getting really worked up about it and was crying very loudly. Josh was holding her in the other room and the next thing I knew Eliana starting crying really hard too. I went in the other room to see what was happening that would have made her start to cry too and Jenny was holding her. She said that Eliana was so upset that Norah was so upset and Jenny was trying to comfort her. It was really sweet, but then I started thinking about what Eliana might be assoiciating with a baby crying that hard and my heart broke. Not knowing Eliana's situation before she became Jenny and Matt's daughter made me sad. It made me so grateful for Jenny and Matt and the love they show to her everyday and that they will show to the other two girls that will be here soon.

It was really touching to see such a small child have compassion and empathy for a baby in the only way she knows how.


KTT said...

Rachie--I love both these baby girls, thanks for reminding us of this story.

Also, thanks for listing my blog, but you didn't have to change the Title of your whole blog list--that's a bit excessive ;)

Rachel Elek said...

Oh my goodness!! I did not even see that! What happened? I will fix it!

I wonder how long it will take Rachel to find out that her husband wrote a note at the bottom of her blog. (July 9, 2008) ;)