Thursday, February 28, 2008

Time on stomach

I know it's been awhile since I've posted. No good reason for not posting. I just thought I would throw up a picture of Norah. She is so sweet and I love her so much! This is her having some time on her stomach, better known in the new world that I've entered as, "Tummy time." I've never been a fan of that phrase so I try not to say it! :)

Here is another picture that I liked alot too!


Kim Gilmore said...

Rachel -
She is so so cute:) I think she is a real mix of the both of you:)
It was fun to see you for a second at Jubilee.

Kim Gilmore

Anonymous said...

she has the cutest little chubby cheeks! and bright blue eyes! well done, rachie :)

my little girl is turning 1 in less than a week, so norah's pictures are making me a little nostalgic...


Rachel Elek said...

Hey Kim! I know! It was great to see you for a second too! We need to catch up! What's going on with your house? I'm sure you are all settled in, but I've never heard one way or the other.

Kelly, I'm hoping to come down sometime in March or April. I will let you know soon. I hope you have a fun birthday with your little girl! Norah seems to be growing so fast all of the sudden. I feel like I should be planning her 1st birthday soon!

I wonder how long it will take Rachel to find out that her husband wrote a note at the bottom of her blog. (July 9, 2008) ;)