Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Goodbye Second Cup!

This was the only picture I could find quickly. :)

Our favorite and only coffee shop, as far as we are concerned, is closing tomorrow. We found out about a week ago when we returned from Utah and were not able to get there until today, due to our trip to Chicago and being ill.

The owners, who are sisters, Amanda and Jessica, are friends of ours and they got to live their dream for the past 3 years which alot of people can not say for themselves. They felt that they needed to close before they went into debt, which is a great decision. I feel bad because alot of people are upset at them because it is "ruining their monday," etc. We are excited for the possibilities for them as they will be able to do other things they may want to do. Of course we will miss being there, but they have hope to open it again when the economy is better for everyone.

We knew we would not be able to be there tomorrow for their last day, so Joshua had the idea to get a bottle of wine and toast them into their new adventures at three when the shop closed today. Norah and I hung out with them while he ran to the store. He got back right at three and when the last person left he brought the stuff in and we surprised them! It was alot of fun! We sat right on the floor in the middle of the shop and toasted and told stories. It was great! I'm pretty sure they loved it and felt honored and celebrated.

When we first walked into the shop today I completely teared up and had to hug them. I was surprised by my emotions, but it was a big part of our life here in Wheeling. These are the kinds of things that will make me sad to leave a small town and move to a big city.

Amanda and Jessica love Norah so much and she could be the one reason they consider having children down the road they say!

Anyways, I just thought I would share our joy and sadness with you all. It's nice to have a place to walk into and the owners know what you want to order. I never thought I would have something like that in my life, but it was wonderful!
I wonder how long it will take Rachel to find out that her husband wrote a note at the bottom of her blog. (July 9, 2008) ;)