Saturday, April 26, 2008

Packing and Moving!!!

So not sure if you know this about me, but I love to pack! I keep seeing boxes that I want to take because they would be the perfect packing box!

I think I will start packing today! Let's be honest mentally I have already packed. I like to prepare ahead of time for a move so that it is smooth and seamless. Moves are never smooth and seamless, but I like to think mine are. ;) I did pack a small box last night with small picture frames in it and already labeled it for which room in our new apartment it goes in.

This is the other thing. My husband is not crazy about packing and organizing, but he gets geeked out about computer programs. The other day he used a program on our Mac called Gimp and made a scaled down version of our Chicago apartment and then measured every piece of furniture in our current apartment and made an object shaped like it, scaled down, gave it a color similar to it's current one and then we arranged our Chicago apartment so that move in day will be easy! We have a couple of options of layouts in case of plugs and heaters being in weird places, but I loved it! I didn't say a word the whole time he did it for fear that if he knew he was organizing and planning ahead he would stop dead in his tracks! :)

Here is the plan we hope that works! I'm sure it won't make too much sense, but it's pretty.
If you are helping us move, print this off and start studying!
We only have 42 more days till we put it into action!!!

I started collecting boxes this week, but did not get very far. The local grocery store saved a grand total of 4 boxes for me. So, I went to the WJU's cafeteria and talked to some of my buddies that work there and they are hooking me up next week. I'm sure it helps that I brought Norah with me!

Ahh! I love packing! I'm getting even more excited about it as I write! I can sometimes hurt people's feelings because of it though. Ask my college roommates. Every single break or weekend I went somewhere I would start packing in advance and it made them sad because they thought I wanted to be away from them. It really had nothing to do with them. I just wanted to pack and then I was anxious to unpack!

So, I am off to begin! We have a couple of cute pictures of Norah that I will tack on to the end so that your time was not wasted here! :)

Attack of the animals!

Reconciliation of the Browns and the Steelers!

Cute little ladybug outfit from Grandma McCowin!

These pj's are so stinking cute and seem like big girl pj's.
Norah was not happy about this photo shoot!

Alright, the ultimate test. Norah in her papa's glasses: Does she look more like Josh or me?

This is for my sister. Her son Caleb received this beautiful blue flowered sweater at one of her baby showers. It turned out he was a boy though so he gave his beautiful sweater to his cousin! It was a tad chilly this morning so we put her in it before she grew out of it!


Anonymous said...

Wow - your husband in incredibly creative and skillful, and by that I mean he has way too much time on his hands. Tell him to write the freaking book everyone is waiting for!!

Unknown said...

I also love to pack and organize- so I'm with you. Go Indoor Skills!

Tim and Deane said...

The Olympic committee needs to consider that there are skills and talents far more important and way more interesting than synchronized swimming or pole vaulting. How many times in life do you need to swim in synch with another person? (Dumb) And pole vaulting? The only place they use that is leaping irrigation ditches in Norway or Latvia or Sweden (or some other third world country.) I think they should consider adding "Packing" to the Olympic games itinerary. THAT is a skill that you need in life. Anyone who has ever gone on a vacation, or moved to college, or been fired from a job can tell you speed packing can be very important in life.

Rachel, you could be the first Olympica Packing Gold Medalist. Hands down - you'd beat them all.

I wonder how long it will take Rachel to find out that her husband wrote a note at the bottom of her blog. (July 9, 2008) ;)