Monday, April 14, 2008

Nasal spray

I will never use nasal spray again! I used it last night at 6:30pm and barely slept at all!!!! I used Flonase (sp?) once and had nightmares all night, but I thought, this is over the counter stuff, I'll just do the minimum dose and I'll be fine.

Well, that was not the case. I went to sleep on the couch at 2:30am because being in a room with two people sound asleep does not help. I did fall asleep for a little bit at 3:30am I think. Luckily Norah slept for 11 hours and 15 minutes so that was good! I hope to sleep today while she does.

1 comment:

Joshua said...

Uhh... if that's the Flonase from the basket in the closet, it's prescription. I got it last summer.

I wonder how long it will take Rachel to find out that her husband wrote a note at the bottom of her blog. (July 9, 2008) ;)